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The Awakened Soul

Reiki Treatments and Intuitive Guidance Sessions

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Reiki is...

Reiki (pronounced Ray-Kee) is an ancient hands on healing technique that is gentle, yet powerful. It is Universal life force energy and serves to improve overall functions, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and reduce physical and emotional pain. It works in conjunction with all forms of medicine and therapeutics to reduce side effects and promote recovery. Integrating mind, body and soul it is safe for everyone!

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Intuitive Guidance Is...

Intuition is your internal GPS system. It comes from your Highest Self (the part of you who doesn't hide from what makes you, YOU!) and your Spiritual Team or Spirit Guides (your behind the scenes helpers, cheerleaders in spirit who only see and work for your highest good and love you unconditionally). 

During an Intuitive Guidance session, I help you tap into your internal GPS through the use of conversation, oracle and/or tarot cards, and pendulums. We'll call on your Spiritual Team to help you gain awareness and insights into life situations, areas where you feel stuck, or are wondering where to go next. Always based on free will, I view my role as your Intuitive as one to empower you to tune in to your own intuition and learn how to trust it and co-create with Spirit the life of your dreams.


In Person Healing Session

During a session, we will have a brief consultation before and after treatment to discuss any needs or concerns and set any intentions for your healing. Sessions last 60-90 minutes and take place on a massage table, fully clothed.  I will place my hands lightly on, or just above your body and channel and direct the flow of Reiki energy through your body, clearing out any blockages and filling the whole body (spiritual, emotional and physical) with universal life force energy.

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Distance or Absentee Sessions

 Distance sessions are for those who wish to connect but are unable to do so in person. Sessions are completed via phone or zoom and recipients are encouraged to be in a comfortable space where they can sit or lay down undisturbed for the duration of the session. Sessions follow in person format in every other way.

Absentee sessions can be done for recipients who wish to receive healing without connection, and will receive notes and feedback after the session has been completed. 

Intuitive Guidance

30 or 60 minute sessions available. During this time I will use any combination of oracle cards, tarot cards, a pendulum and my intuition to receive clear guidance and information as it relates to your questions. 

Dowsing Pendulum over Tarot

About Me

Hello beautiful soul! I'm Shannon, and I am so glad you have made your way here. I live in Arvada, Colorado with my husband, 2 kids and our dog and cat. 

For as long as I can remember, people have been telling me that I have a gift for holding space for their feelings and helping them release fears, traumas, insecurities, etc., that they didn't recognize in themselves.  I went to college to study psychology, and spent most of my career working in early education and parent advocacy. I left my last teaching job to become a health and fitness coach, and started exploring meditation, reiki and other healing modalities soon after.  The first time I was able to provide a full  healing session for a client, I knew I had found my absolute purpose!

I can't wait to meet you and help you on your healing journey! 

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Having no experience with Reiki before I was unsure of what to expect. Shannon was wonderful with explaining the whole process and answering any questions I had. Shannon is very kind, pleasant, open and comfortable to be with. The session was very relaxing and I am looking forward to future Reiki sessions with Shannon. I highly recommend booking an appointment with her.

Bernadette D.


I have been lucky to receive several in person reiki healings from Shannon. Each session was totally unique, relaxing and a beautiful experience. Shannon has this amazing gift of holding the space to allow whatever is ready to be healed or released to come to the surface in the most noninvasive and completely natural way. I’ve experienced deep intense healing with gentleness, ease and grace. Each time I received more clarity and lightness. She is truly gifted! Thank you Shannon for sharing your gifts with me!

Laura M.

Every time I get the opportunity to do a session with Shannon, either in person or virtual, I leave refreshed, grounded and calm. She has the insight to identify the needs of each individual and connect with them where they are in the moment, and brings a beautiful balance of caring, compassion and joy to her reiki practice. Shannon is a blessing to know and a bright light to all!

Leslie R.

"Intuition is the whisper of the soul."

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Image by Oleg Illarionov

"If one has courage, nothing can dim the light that shines from within."

Maya Angelou

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